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Thursday, 20 December 2012

Kisah horor di daerah mega kuningan

Kejadian ini baru saja terjadi, jadi saya peringatkan berhati-hatilah buat kalian yang kerja di lokasi mega-kuningan, Jakarta. Setidaknya cerita ini bisa menjadi pelajaran bagi kamu semua agar tidak terjadi pada kamu.

Seorang karyawati setelah kecapaian bekerja hingga larut malam di depan menara Rajawali, menyetop sebuah taksi yang meluncur melalui lapangan mega kuningan.
Waktu itu pukul 10.00 malam dan karyawati tersebut langsung duduk dikursi belakang taksi sambil menyebutkan daerah Pasar Minggu sebagai tujuannya kepada sopir taksi.
Karena sudah kecapaian si karyawati tersebut langsung tertidur, tapi tidak berapa lama kemudian si karyawati merasakan taksi tersebut berjalan makin lama makin lambat.
Karena dia merasa ada yang enggak beres, si karyawati terbangun.

Dan apa yang terjadi sungguh mengerikan.. !! Saat si karyawati melihat ke depan, sopir taksi sudah tidak ada.! Yang ada hanya Bangku kosong dan suasana yang sepi karena malam hari, namun taksi tersebut tetap berjalan meskipun lambat sekali, dan secara reflek menjeritlah si karyawati itu kuat2..
Klik Show Untuk Membuka Spoiler
Tiba" dari balik kaca jendela taksi muncul kepala si sopir taksi: "MBAK, TOLONG MBAK JANGAN NJERIT" NTAR DIKIRA DIPERKOSA LAGI, INI MOBILNYA MOGOK, BANTUIN NDORONG DONK..." Ha..... ha... intermezo..


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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Website yang menyediakan Game Web Based

website di bawah ini menyediakan game yang bersifat web based atau bermain secara online

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Command Description
/debug (start/stop) Starts or stops debug profiling.
/defaultgamemode <mode> Switches the world's default gamemode to Adventure, Creative, or Survival respectively.
/difficulty <new difficulty> Switches the world's difficulty between Peaceful, Easy, Normal or Hard.
/gamemode <mode> [player] Mode can be 0, 1, or 2, which switches the current game mode to Survival, Creative or Adventure, respectively. When playing offline, the user must put "Player" instead of their username
/gamerule <rule name> <value> or /gamerule <rule name> Allows the player to adjust several base settings. Rule Names: doFireTick, doMobLoot, doMobSpawning, doTileDrops, keepInventory, mobGriefing.
  • All values true/false, respectively
doFireTick         = toggles fire spread on/off
doMobLoot          = toggles drop items on/off (xp still drops)
doMobSpawning      = toggles on/off mob spawning
doTileDrops        = toggles farmed items (wheat, melon slices, etc.) drops on/off
                     (still drop seeds even if off)
keepInventory      = toggles keeping your inventory when you die on/off
mobGriefing        = toggles Creeper block damage and Enderman block pickup on/off
commandBlockOutput = toggles showing command block output in chat
/give <player> <block id> [amount] [data value] Gives item/block of specified amount, using specified data value (doesn't work to give entities)
/help [page:command name] or /? [page:command name] Displays all available commands and how to use them.
/kill Deals 1000 points (or 500 hearts) of damage, killing oneself instantly, and ignoring armor. Also adds message: "Ouch. That looks like it hurt."
/me <actiontext> Sends a narrative message to the other players.
/publish Opens your single-player game for LAN friends to join.
/say <message> Sends a message as the "Server".
/seed Displays the current seed for the world
/spawnpoint or /spawnpoint <player> or /spawnpoint <player> <x> <y> <z> Sets the spawnpoint of the target player to the current or entered destination.
/time <set:add> <value> Sets time to specified integer - 0 is dawn, 6000 is midday, 12000 is dusk, and 18000 is midnight
/toggledownfall Toggles rain/snow
/tp [target player] <destination player> or [target player] <x> <y> <z> Teleports target player to entered destination. Valid entries range from -31999999 to 31999999.
/weather <clear>, <rain>, <thunder> Can add a number afterwards to set the number of seconds it will stay like this.
/xp <amount> [player] Grants experience of the specified amount, valid entries range from 1 to 2147483647 (231 − 1).
/clear <player> [item] [data] Clears a player's current inventory or specific blocks /items.

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